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                       我们专注于艺术类环境景观营造,具有多年的艺术设计思维沉淀和多种项目类型的施工经验积累,公司拥有ω经验丰富的设计团队和多个项目施工管理团队,拥有独特创新的设计理念和精湛ω 细腻的施工工艺,深得合作伙伴和客户信任。


                        Founded in Shanghai in 2012, it is a comprehensive landscape company specializing in landscape planning and design, landscape engineering and greening maintenance. Its business covers (commercial residential buildings, high-end villas, public parks, ecological environment, roof gardens, tourist attractions, characteristic small towns, residential accommodation, etc.).

                      We focus on the creation of artistic environmental landscape, with many years of artistic design thinking and accumulation of construction experience in various types of projects. The company has experienced design teams and a number of project construction management teams, unique innovative design concepts and exquisite construction techniques, which have won the trust of friends and customers.

                       Our service philosophy is honesty first, quality first, to create maximum value for customers, customer satisfaction and affirmation is our greatest motivation! The company has consistently adhered to the promises of "innovation", "quality" and "service", strives for development with quality, treats customers sincerely, and serves customers with high professionalism and professional and humanized after-sales service standards.friends and customers.
